Friday, April 11, 2008

Boring photos are better than boring text.

Seems like I can't go for rugby match support anymore because I'll have rehearsal. I think. And Mr Eng had to say today that CCA groups training for competition and performances do not need to go down for match support. So there goes my chances.

Sorry Jason and Shao Chun, can't bring posters already.

Anyway last few days were pretty cool!

I found this cool vandalised poster on the notice board of the school library. Amusing.

In the physics lab, Teo Hong and Nikhil were playing with the meter rule. And then they stuck it in their stomachs and tried to coordinate their breathing. Teo Hong calls it "racial harmony".
And our campus is super romantic at night. I found a few boarder couples doing *ahem* stuff in some of the little dark corners of the school. Won't say where, though.

Yisin's place. The white little CD-player is actually a personal computer. And the 42' plasma TV is the monitor. And this is in Yisin's room. In front of his bed. Damn you Yisin.

Today it stormed, and the place near RJC's bus stop became some sort of wetland. I don't take geography, so pardon me if it's wrong, but, I think this warrants some complaint. To, err, whatever ministry. And there were small tadpoles in the water! Kidding.

Sorry for the super boring post. (I should put this at the end of every blog post though hahaha)

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