Monday, May 19, 2008

Swim, swam, swum

In a desperate attempt to keep fit after my (horribly) dismal 2.4 km run timing, I headed for the pool on Saturday afternoon.

And it was pretty fine, I must say. I haven't swum in ages and I swam 30 laps of breastroke at a leisurely pace. Without exerting myself. Of course, that's the easy part. I still can barely do 2 laps of freestyle and 1 lap of butterfly, which is utterly demoralising and it demolishes your ego in an instant if you swim halfway through a lap and have to stop in the middle for air. I also attempted to swim the breadth of the pool on the bottom without coming up for air. So I swam halfway and then when I ran out of air, reflex made me gulp down a large mouthful of chlorinated water. I went up immediately and coughed very loudly, attracting the attention of just about everyone in the vicinity.

Apart from such silly misadventures, I've been down to Sim Lim trying to look for a new computer that won't give me headaches and create additional stress. And let me play up-to-date games(my current computer has the specifications of a 2003 PC).

And I finished watching Cloverfield on my PSP this morning after waking up at 0430 and being unable to get back to sleep. Having it on your PSP is cool because you can turn your PSP around to the way the camera moves, and you won't get dizzy so easily. Odette Yustman is like Megan Fox, but prettier. Wow.

And the Boston Celtics are into the Conference Finals! Go home, Lebron!

1 comment:

Phallusious Argument said...

i realised that odette yustman existed like the day cloverfield came out on torrents.
