Friday, May 16, 2008

To Hell and back

It's been 17 days since I last posted. That's two weeks and three days! In case you all don't know though, it's been double Hell Week for RI boys for the past two weeks, and today, being Friday, marks the end of my Hell Weeks.

I only have my chemistry OBA, history assignment and book club synthesis due next week. Which is actually pretty bad for a normal school week, but after you pull through Hell Week(s), this is frog's legs. Coincidentally, we have a long weekend! I'll be slowly cutting the flow of glucose to my brain cells by producing massive amounts of insulin in a localised area so that I can fully turn off by the start of the June holidays, which is just one more week.

Everyone is going about raving about how their June holidays are going to be so packed that they won't have time to do anything and how their June holidays aren't very much like a holiday at all. Well, I think I'm going to be pretty free during the June holidays. So free, in fact, that I'll actually have some time to read the Chinese novel(the Chinese department makes us buy one annually) and learn how to write a proper Chinese essay in preparation for the O Level Prelims. Which is good!

And I was walking home from the bus stop after school today in a narrow back alley, and I was just listening to music with earphones, and minding my own business. Suddenly something so damn loud just rings through the air and even with my music turned on, my adrenal gland almost exploded. So I turn around in shock and look at the source of the noise. And it was a big, black, scary German Shepard that looked like it was out of I Am Legend, and was chasing after me with the horsepower of a Maserati. So I ran and fumbled with my gate lock and got into my house milliseconds before the dog got to me.

Actually, the dog was a small white Schnauzer. And it was behind a gate. So the above is all made up. Except the adrenal gland thing, because it really did bark very loudly.

Sorry, I couldn't think of much to talk about so I decided to bull my way a little.

Today the DD Crew went over to Club Rainbow to meet our VWO for RESL (lots of abbreviations). We're holding some lessons for kids aged 5 to 9, using music to allow them to learn stuff such as the times table and sentence structure better. So we managed to borrow a few primary school English workbooks back to refer to and create a sort of outline.

And I look through the book's content page and am dumbfounded. What exactly are:
  • Demonstrative pronouns
  • Possesive adjectives
  • Possesive pronouns
  • Reciprocal pronouns
  • Interrogative pronouns
  • Modals
  • Prepositions
  • Determiners
  • Present perfect tense
  • Future perfect tense
  • ...

Mmhmm. I know how to speak and write English but I don't know what all those mean. Interesting eh? And it's all from a Primary 3 workbook. If you know, don't flame me for being stupid. As in, I can infer some meanings from the adjectives used above but I just don't remember ever learning stuff like that in primary school.

Okay anyway, I am really very very happy that the stress has gone down. On another note, though, I think my hair is growing ever so slowly; it still looks like a crew cut and there's only one week left to June holidays. This just mean that when I'm out during the June holidays people will look at me and think I'm an NSman.

Which might be good! I might be able to go watch Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanomo Bay! Hurrah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hurry up and fix your psp skills so you can rival my DJmaxing rawr