Saturday, March 29, 2008

E-learning, Final Fantasy and Flies

I finally found the time to blog.
Not that I've finished my E-learning or whatever. I'm still left with Chinese which I will finish tomorrow. At this time of the day, I'm not exactly at my best productivity wise.

Messenger is screwed tonight(this morning). I couldn't log in, and I've been trying since around 9pm. Sigh, Microsoft. Sigh, MSN.

Alright so anyway!

I am SOOOO totally into the Final Fantasy mood right now. If you haven't heard of Final Fantasy, you must be Mas Selamat. (hurhurhur) That's Zack Fair and his so-super-hot-and-pretty-she-cannot-exist-in-real-life-wait-she-doesnt-exist sweetheart Aerith.

Brand new Final Fantasy is out, and so far I've been playing and it is SOOO super awesome. It blows me away. It captivates me. It's gorgeous.

I'm addicted.

Maybe not addicted, but I think about playing it quite a lot. Although I actually haven't played it the last two days, because I WAS FOCUSING ON COMPLETING MY E-LEARNING! Three cheers for me! How's that. I even pangseh-ed my class for two of their interclass games to stay home and finish my E-learning on Thursday. (They lost them both.)

Back to Final Fantasy!

I hope you know what's an RPG. It's called a role-playing game. It lets us geeks who only play games get to keep cool hair like Zack(right), get a hot girl like Aerith, and stuff.

And Final Fantasy is usually more of a story than a game. That's what most reviews say online anyway. In my opinion? It's the ultimate romance/action/thriller story for the geeky. That's for me. Ho.

I was spam-listening to the Crisis Core soundtrack for the whole of Thursday while E-learning. There are like 50+ tracks, and I think the playlist repeated almost ten times. Somehow, when I listen to the Final Fantasy soundtracks, I get this nice feeling. It's like chocolate. It's very nice. Someone tell me why!


Attack of the bugs.

Does this fella look like some mean bug? The stuff at his tail looks rather scary. I used the curtains to squash him. (He was running along my windowsill) Maybe he's a she! I didn't check.

But I found this guy rather late in the night. All throughout the day, I had one million flies flying through my window and buzzing around for no apparent reason at all (I bathed). And they're all types of flies. I get houseflies, small little black flies that hover, small little brown flies that fly like The Monkey God, and funny green-coloured flies.

The assault of the flies continued throughout the day, and carried over to yesterday and today. In fact, believe you me, I am still getting harassed now. Because my window is facing the back alley and few other lights are on out there at a time like this, all the flies come and fly around my fuzzy warm light. (I already bathed damn you)

Okay actually I have nothing much else to say about E-learning. It's already quite a lot for a day that I stay at home and just whack work and work.

And someone was pretty pissed off with me today. Please don't be.

You know, if God doesn't just give me what I want, I don't always turn my back on him for it. I'm not a fighter when it comes down to this. It's up to you.

(& I won't vilify myself for your sake. This is the way I read you. You might think different.)


Anonymous said...

oh oh oh actually today is also some praying/paying respects thing for my grandma because of ching ming or something? my parents went to pray but they didn't want me to. so, yah.

Anonymous said...

eh i don't understand the last part.